What We Do

The Bureau of Stormwater Management is responsible for managing the City’s comprehensive stormwater program. This includes design, implementation, monitoring, maintenance and repair of public stormwater infrastructure; compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Separate Stormwater System (MS4) permit; implementation of the City’s Stormwater Ordinance through permitting, design review, and enforcement; and managing the City’s stormwater fee including processing credits and appeals.     


The Bureau of Stormwater Management also works closely with the Bureau of Wastewater in the development and implementation of plans and programs to reduce overflows from the City’s Combined Sewer System. For more information on what the City is doing to address Combined Sewer Overflows, visit engage.cityoflancasterpa.com




Stormwater Permit Review  

Stormwater staff review and approve applications for all projects that include the installation of new impervious area, the reconstruction of existing impervious areas, and earth disturbance, such as grading and demolition.  
Stormwater Permit Information

Design Review  

Stormwater staff review Stormwater staff review stormwater designs for private land development projects and public green infrastructure projects.   

Inspection and Enforcement  

Stormwater staff are responsible for enforcement of the City of Lancaster Stormwater staff are responsible for enforcement of the City of Lancaster Stormwater Ordinance, responding to violation complaints with site inspections and issuing violation notices as necessary.   
Stormwater Ordinance

Processing of stormwater management fee credits and appeals  

Stormwater management fee Credits are available to all Property Owners and can help reduce your stormwater fee up to 50%. Residents and businesses can install a green infrastructure technology on their property to manage their stormwater; credits are granted based on the effectiveness and capacity of the technology. Schools can also apply for credits for providing classroom instruction on stormwater to students. For more information on stormwater credits refer to the Policies and Procedures Manual under the Documents & Resources tab below.  
Stormwater Credit Application

Infrastructure inspection and maintenance  

Stormwater Bureau staff perform regular inspections of stormwater infrastructure to ensure it is functioning properly. Stormwater Bureau staff issue work orders for maintenance and repair of infrastructure and perform follow up inspection.

Stormwater Grants  

Our Stormwater Bureau staff oversees the City’s Stormwater Residential Grant Program.  This program provides funding for homeowners to install small scale green infrastructure projects, like rain gardens, permeable pavers, and dry wells, that absorb stormwater runoff on residential property.    
Residential Grant Program

General Contact Info


City of Lancaster
120 North Duke Street
P.O. Box 1599
Lancaster, PA 17608



(717) 291-4711

Who We Are
Who We Are
Molly Deger
Deputy Director, Sustainability and Environment
Kate Austin
Green Infrastructure Asset Coordinator
Angela Brackbill
Water Resources Engineer
Tiffany Dimaio
Engineering Customer Service Coordinator
Karl Graybill
Environmental Planner
Michael Meyer
Urban Forester